Shopify is all about visual appeal. Bring your product to life with these creative styling tips -
What does your brand represent? Everybody wants their product to look fun and bold but that’s just vague. You need to dig deeper to understand the mood of the product. Create a mood board to finalize the color and aesthetics of the product images before doing the actual shoot.
Props are a great way to pop up any product image. But you don’t want to overdo it. Select props that complement the main product but don’t take away the attention from it.
Make sure the color palette you choose for your product shoot is in sync with the brand. If that’s not the case, you can stick with the basics like whites and pastels.
The context in product photography is as important as the product itself. For example, you are photographing herbal soap. Natural background with leaves, twigs, and herbs as props would be the best fit here, giving the customer a visual message of the ayurvedic benefits of the product.
If your props are bigger than your product, it will distract your audience. Make sure that you use props smaller than your main product so that the attention of your customer is un-dividedly focused on the product.