
How to Style Your Product for Walmart Product Photography?

July 28, 2022
2 mins

 Here are some tips to style your product for Walmart product photography -

1) Use a clean background


The background should be white or light grey so that it will not distract from your product. Do not use any patterned or busy backgrounds as it may distract from your product.

2) Style your products with care and thoughtfulness.


Make sure that all elements of styling are consistent with each other, such as color scheme and overall design. Try not to use too many props or accessories because they can take away from your product’s true value (unless they are necessary). If you do decide to use props and accessories make sure they do not compete with your main focus - which is always going to be your product!

3) Set up lighting so that there are no shadows on your products or on the background


This will ensure that your photos look clear and professional! You can always just use natural light as well.

4) Try to avoid over-editing your photos so that they look too perfect


This will make them look unrealistic.

5) Take multiple shots from different angles


Like side view, top view, front view, etc.

6) Use props


If you want to show off the size of your product or highlight its features, then use some props to do so. For example, you can use a measuring tape or a ruler to show the size of your product. Or if you want to show off how durable it is, then use something hard like glass or marble tabletop as the background.

Frequently asked questions

What background should I use for Walmart product photography?
Opt for a clean background, preferably white or light grey, to ensure your product remains the focal point. Avoid patterned or busy backgrounds that could distract from your product.
How should I approach styling my products for Walmart product photography?
Style your products with care and thoughtfulness, ensuring consistency in elements such as color scheme and design. Limit the use of props and accessories to prevent them from overshadowing your product's value, unless absolutely necessary.
What is important regarding lighting setup for Walmart product photography?
Set up lighting to eliminate shadows on both the products and the background, ensuring clear and professional-looking photos. Natural light can also be utilized effectively.
Why should I avoid over-editing my Walmart product photos?
Over-editing can make photos appear unrealistic, which may detract from the authenticity of your products.
How many shots should I take for Walmart product photography and from which angles?
Take multiple shots from various angles, such as side view, top view, and front view, to provide comprehensive visual information about your product.